Workouts: 5

DAY 1:
3 Minute AMRAP
- 3 Push-ups
- 5 Leg Swings
- 10 Knee High Step-ups (5 each leg)
- Door Frame Chest Stretch
- Wide stance Chest Stretch
- Suspended Calf Stretch
- Quad Stretch
TABATA 8 Rounds of 20 Seconds
- Push Press
- Lunge
Cool Down
- Head Tilt Hold
- Shoulder Circles
- Seated Roll
Accessory Movements
- Glute Bridge (3 Sets of 5)

DAY 2:
2 Rounds of
- 10 Step Ups
- 5 Shoulder Pass-throughs
- 5 Good Mornings
- Seated Hamstring Stretch
- Dips
- Calf Stretch
15, 12, 9, 6, 3 Rep Scheme
- Front Squat
- Push-Up
- Flutter Kicks
Cool Down
- Wrist Flexion/Extension
- Standing Lunge
Accessory Movements
- Flamingo Knee Raise (3 Sets of 10

DAY 3:
3 Rounds of
- 6 Lunges
- 5 Step-Ups
- 4 Strict Press
- Neck Stretch
- Glutei Twists Stretch
- Shoulder Stretch
- Lying Side Quad Stretch
6 Rounds of
- 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
- 8 Air-Squats
- 4 Burpees
Cool Down
- Shoulder/Neck Stretch
- High Lunge Calf Stretch
Accessory Movements
- Standing Rows (2 sets of 12-15)

DAY 4:
3 Minute AMRAP
- 5 Push Press
- 4 Seated Knee Raise
- 3 Push-Ups
- 2 Air Squats
- Wide Stance Lean Side Stretch
- Forearm Stretch
- Shoulder Rolls
15, 12, 9, 6 rep scheme
- Push Jerks
- Plank Holds
Cool Down
- Wrist Flexion/Extension
- Cat/Cow Pose
Accessory Movements
- Single Leg Balance (Forward and Backward)

DAY 5:
10 Minute EMOM
- 10 Stair Taps
- 10 Shoulder Circles
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Hip Circles
- Standing Quad Stretch
- Wide Stance Chest Stretch
10 Minute EMOM
- 5 Overhead Squats
- 5 Up-right Rows
Cool Down
- Wrist Flexion/Extension
- Seated Glute Stretch
Accessory Movements
- Lying Hip Circles (2 sets of 10)